[Paper] Survey: Knowledge Distillation in NLP

Part of the related work section in my Master Thesis. Download the full version here.


Table of Contents

  1. Motivation & Preliminaries
  2. Brief History: Knowledge Distillation for Transformers
  3. Transformer Components Distillation
  4. Distillation Setup Strategies
  5. Challenges

Knowledge Distillation is a technique to transfer knowledge from a well-trained teacher model to a student model, typically smaller than the teacher. During training, Knowledge Distillation allows the student model to access the learned knowledge from the teacher model, providing more information to the student. Thus, the student can achieve similar or even better performance than the teacher.

As our thesis is based on multilingual transformers, we restrict our review to Knowledge Distillation for transformers.

1. Motivation & Preliminaries

Motivation. (Bucila et al.) first introduced the concept of Knowledge Distillation as a way to compress models by transferring the learned knowledge to a smaller model. In their work, the primary goal was to compress a large complex ensemble into smaller, faster models without significant performance loss. First, they train the ensemble model (also called teacher) and then transfer the acquired knowledge to a smaller model (also called student) by mimicking the teacher’s behavior. Thus the idea of Knowledge Distillation1 was born.

Knowledge Distillation is especially beneficial in the case of complex, overparameterized teachers. From an optimization perspective, (missing reference) show that high capacity models (i.e., the teacher) can find a good local minimum due to over-parameterization. Therefore, using these over-parameterized models to guide a lower capacity model during training can facilitate optimization. The state-of-the-art multilingual models are massive pre-trained transformers consisting of millions of parameters which some argue are over-parameterized but need the capacity during pre-training (missing reference). Our approach uses Knowledge Distillation to precisely distill these transformer models to induce cross-lingual knowledge into students.

Vanilla Knowledge Distillation. The most straightforward approach to Knowledge Distillation is to distill from the output layer by matching the output of the teacher and student (missing reference). Initially, (Bucila et al.) used the teacher to make predictions on an unlabeled dataset producing labels for the student to mimic. The created labels are referred to as hard labels, and the dataset used to train the student is called transfer dataset. As hard labels only transfer information about the highest class probability, (Ba and Caruana) propose to use the logits of the teacher, called soft labels. The idea is that the soft labels of a well-trained teacher provide additional supervisory signals of the inter-class similarities to the student. They directly used the logits $z$ by minimizing the squared difference between the logits produced by the teacher and the logits produced by the student:

\[\begin{equation} \tag{1}\label{eq:logits_mse} L_{\text{logits}} = \frac{1}{2N} \sum_{x \in X} \Vert z_{x}^{TE} - z_{x}^{ST}\Vert_2^2 , \end{equation}\]

where $N$ is the number of examples, $z_{x}^{TE}$ the logit output of the teacher and $z_{x}^{ST}$ of the logit output of the student.

One problem that may arise in well-trained teachers is that they are overconfident and thus almost always predict classes (tokens) with very high confidence. The learned similarities between similar classes (tokens) reside in the ratios of very small probabilities in the soft targets - These, however, have very little influence on the cost function $\eqref{eq:logits_mse}$ during distillation. To leverage the information residing in these small probabilities (Hinton et al.) propose to soften the distribution by modifying the predicted probability distribution of the teacher. (Hinton et al.) introduce a variable called temperature into the final softmax:

\[\begin{equation} \tag{2}\label{eq:temperature} \sigma (z_{x}; T)\_i := p_i = \frac{\exp{(z_{x, i}/T)}}{\sum_j \exp{(z_{x, j}/T)}}, \end{equation}\]

where $T$ denotes the temperature, which is normally set to $1$ for the softmax function. A higher temperature $T$ causes a softer probability distribution over tokens, resulting in a higher entropy in the probability distribution. (Hinton et al.) then use the same temperature $T$ when training the student to match these soft targets. Furthermore, (Hinton et al.) showed that matching logits is a special case of the modified softmax in $\eqref{eq:temperature}$. Using the Kullback-Leibler divergence between teacher and student, we get the (unscaled) Hinton loss function:

\[\begin{aligned} \sum_{x \in X} D_{KL} \left(\sigma(z_{x}^{TE}; T) \Vert \sigma(z^{ST}_x; T)\right). \end{aligned}\]

To compensate for the changed magnitude of the gradients caused by the soft targets scale, (Hinton et al.) multiply the loss function with $T^2$ to get the Hinton loss function:

\[\begin{equation} \tag{3}\label{eq:hinton_loss} L_{H} = T^2 \cdot \sum_{x \in X} D_{KL} \left(\sigma (z_{x}^{TE}; T) \Vert \sigma (z_{x}^{ST}; T) \right). \end{equation}\]

This allows us to change the temperature while experimenting without changing the relative contributions of the soft targets. The Hinton loss $\eqref{eq:hinton_loss}$ is the vanilla setup that is mainly used and referred to as (vanilla) Knowledge Distillation.

The main difference between different Knowledge Distillation strategies is how one mimics the teacher’s behavior. Formally, we can define a transformation $f^{TE}$ and $f^{ST}$ of the teacher and student network inputs, respectively, to some informative representation for transfer. (Jiao et al.) calls these transformations behavior functions. Knowledge Distillation can then be defined in general as minimizing the objective function

\[\begin{aligned} L_{\text{KD}} = \sum_{x \in X} L \left(f^{TE}(x), f^{ST}(x) \right), \end{aligned}\]

where $L(\cdot)$ is a loss function evaluating the difference between a teacher and student networks, $x$ the (text) input, and $X$ denotes the training set. Behavior functions can be defined for any type of representation of the input, e.g., the logits of the final output or some intermediate representations in the network, which the student then mimics.

2. Brief History: Knowledge Distillation for Transformers

Knowledge Distillation methods first found their use in the area of Computer Vision. As AlexNet (Krizhevsky et al.), one of the largest neural networks at that time, completely outperformed other methods on ImageNet (Deng et al.), the trend towards bigger models started in that area. To keep the models to a relatively acceptable size while still having the same performance as the big models, a variety of model compression techniques were developed, such as Knowledge Distillation, see the survey of (Gou et al.) for a more in-depth look into Knowledge Distillation in Computer Vision.

Task-Specific Distillation. (Sun et al.) was one of the first known successes at using Knowledge Distillation for BERT at the fine-tuning stage. They introduce Patient Knowledge Distillation (PKD) which uses the intermediate representations of BERT for a more effective distillation (additional to the Hinton Loss). This is motivated by previous findings of (Romero et al.) showing that distilling intermediate representations can serve as hints for the student during training, improving the final performance. Similar to PKD, XtremeDistil (Mukherjee and Awadallah) also distills from intermediate representations but additionally utilizes parameter projection that is agnostic of teacher architecture. Subsequently, inspired by the findings that attention weights of BERT capture linguistic knowledge and that BERT becomes more complex in higher layers (Clark et al.), Stacked Internal Distillation (SID) (Aguilar et al.) additionally distills the attention probabilities of the teacher and from lower layers first. However, these works used distillation for fine-tuned models on specific downstream tasks (task-specific distillation). In our thesis, we want to produce a general-purpose student that can be fine-tuned on any downstream task. While we are not focusing on task-specific distillation (missing reference) or multi-task distillation (missing reference), we still want to mention important work in this field.

General-Purpose Students. To produce general-purpose students, distillation happens during the pre-training tasks, mainly the masked language modeling task. In this task, the transformer model is trained to predict the original token for each masked token by maximizing the estimated probability for this token. The standard loss function is to minimize the cross-entropy between the transformer’s predicted distribution and the one-hot distribution of all tokens. We denote the loss as the masked language modeling loss $L_{\text{MLM}}$ (Devlin et al.) as

\[\begin{equation} \tag{4}\label{eq:ce} L_{\text{MLM}}= - \sum_{x \in X} \left( \sum_i l_{x, i} \log(p_{x, i}) \right), \end{equation}\]

where $l_{x, i}$ is the ground-truth and $p_{x, i}$ the predicted probability for $i$-th token in the text input $x$. Typically a transformer applies a softmax function to obtain $p_{x, i}$, denoted by $\sigma (z_{x})=p_{x} = (p_{x, 1}, …, p_{x, C})$, where $\sigma $ is the softmax function and $z_{x} = (z_{x, 1}, …, z_{x, C})$ the logit output of the text input $x$.

DistilBert (Sanh et al.) extends the work of (Sun et al.) by distilling during pre-training on a large-scale corpus with a soft-label distillation loss and a cosine embedding loss to construct a general-purpose student. Furthermore, they initialize the student from the teacher by taking one layer out of two. Similar to SID (Aguilar et al.), TinyBert (Jiao et al.) introduce additional attention distillation to produce general-purpose students. Specifically, they distill self-attention distributions $\text{Attention}(Q, K, V)$. TinyBert further uses task distillation with data augmentation to strengthen performance on downstream tasks. They show that their $6$ layer model performs on par with its teacher BERT on the GLUE benchmark (Wang et al.) . Instead of using shallower students, MobileBERT (Sun et al.) uses thinner students by introducing bottleneck structures which have been shown to be more effective (Turc et al.) . Compared to TinyBert, they outperform it on GLUE and SQuAD with a similar-sized MobileBERT while not utilizing any task-distillation or data augmentations during fine-tuning. However, MobileBERT constructs another teacher network and many architectural modifications to help facilitate training. MiniLM (Wang et al.) only distills the self-attention module with an added loss function: They align the relation between values in the self-attention module, which is calculated via the multi-head scaled dot-product between values $V$. Furthermore, they only distill from the last transformer layer of the teacher. Compared to TinyBert and MobileBert, MiniLM alleviates the difficulties in layer mapping between the teacher and student models, and the layer number of our student model can be more flexible. (Khanuja et al.)introduce MergeDistil, which uses multiple mono- or multilingual teachers to distill into one general-purpose student to leverage language-specific LM.

To further dive deeper into previous works and build a foundation for further exploration for our thesis, we distinguish previous works into which parts of the transformer they distill from.

3. Transformer Components Distillation

This section will explore different behavior functions and their corresponding loss function to transfer knowledge from a transformer teacher into a transformer student. We categorize the possible parts of the transformer that we can distill from into: Final output layer, hidden layer representations, attention and embedding distillation.

We summarize our findings in the next Table:

interview-img Categorizing of previous works into different transformer parts distillation during pre-training. Notice that TinyBert does not utilize soft or hard targets during pre-training, only in their second distillation stage (task-distillation). Furthermore, we specify the loss function (KL: Kullback Leibler Loss; MSE: Mean-squared error; COS: Cosine Embedding Loss; CE: Cross-entropy loss; SVD: Singular Value Decomposition.

Final Output Layer. One simple idea to induce knowledge from a teacher during pre-training is to use the predicted distribution over all tokens of the teacher model as soft targets for training the student. The hope is that soft targets are much more informative than hard targets as they can reveal similarities between tokens, e.g., the masked token is "dog" and our well-trained teacher model would give a high probability to "dog", but also to "cat" as both could make sense in the masked sentence. This information about similarities between tokens can then be transferred to our students. One problem that may arise in well-trained teachers is that they almost always predict the correct token with very high confidence.

Almost all works use the hard and soft targets to distill knowledge from the teacher. PKD, SID, and DistilBERT use the cross-entropy loss to distill from the soft and hard targets, while XtremeDistil uses the mean-squared error to align soft targets. In some implementations, the Kullback Leibler loss is used to align soft targets. During pre-training, TinyBert does not use any output layer distillation as (Jiao et al.) argue that their goal is to primarily learn the intermediate structures of BERT. Furthermore, they conduct experiments showing that output layer distillation does not bring additional improvements on downstream tasks.

Hidden Layer Representation Distillation. Using only logits to transfer cross-lingual knowledge from the teacher can be problematic as they only serve as one "task-specific" knowledge, in this case, masked language modeling. (Romero et al.) show that additional hints from the intermediate layers can improve the training process and the final performance of the student.

As one has to decide which layer of the teacher to distill from (typically, the student is smaller than the teacher), we have to define a mapping function. For this purpose, we assume that the teacher model has $N$ Transformer layers and the student $M$ Transformer layers, where $M \leq N$. The index $0$ corresponds to the embedding layer, $M+1$ the index of the student’s prediction layer, and $N+1$ the index of the teacher’s prediction layer. The mapping function is then defined as

\[\begin{equation} \tag{5}\label{eq:mapping-function} n = g(m), \qquad 0 < m \leq M, 0 < g(m) \leq N \end{equation}\]

between indices from student layers to teacher layers, where the teacher’s $g(m)$-th layer is distilled into the $m$-th layer of the student model. Typically, there are four different mapping strategies:

  • Uniform: We distill uniformly over the teacher layers. E.g. assume 12 layer teacher and 6 layer student, then the mapping function is $g(m) = m * 2$.
  • Top: We distill from the top layers of the teacher: $g(m) = m + N - M$.
  • Bottom: We distill from the bottom layers of the teacher: $g(m) = m$.
  • Last: We distill only from the last layer of the teacher into the last layer of the student: $g(M) = N$.

PKD (Sun et al.) focuses on extracting intermediate representations but only for the [CLS] token, reasoning that BERT’s original implementation (Devlin et al.) mostly uses the output from the last layer’s [CLS] token to perform predictions for downstream tasks. The hope is that if the student can imitate the representation of [CLS] in the teacher’s intermediate layers for any given input, the generalization ability can be similar to the teacher. The additional loss is then defined as the mean squared error between the normalized hidden states of the [CLS] token in all layers:

\[\begin{equation} \tag{6}\label{eq:msecls} L_{\text{MSECLS}} = \sum_{x \in X} \sum_{m=1}^{M} \text{MSE} \left(\text{CLS}_m^{ST}(x), \text{CLS}_{g(m)}^{TE}(x) \right)^2, \end{equation}\]

where $\text{CLS}^{ST}_m(x) \in \mathbb{R}^{d}$ and $\text{CLS}^{TE}_{g(m)}(x) \in \mathbb{R}^{d}$ extracts the [CLS] token for the input $x$ in the layer $m$ for student and $g(m)$ teacher respectively. PKD was tested with the mapping function top and uniform, where the strategy uniform showed better performance. Similar to PKD, SID (Aguilar et al.) also uses hidden vector representations for the [CLS] token to additionally align internal representations, but opted to use cosine similarity

\[\begin{aligned} L_{\text{cos}CLS}(x) = 1 - cos\left(\text{CLS}_m^{ST}(x), \text{CLS}_{g(m)}^{TE}(x) \right) \end{aligned}\]

with the uniform mapping strategy. The obvious problem with focusing on the [CLS] is that it only works for tasks that use the [CLS] for prediction such as tasks in the GLUE dataset (Wang et al.).

(Jiao et al.) extended the idea of distilling hidden layer representations to student representations with any arbitrary number of hidden dimensions with their proposed model TinyBert. Let $H^{ST}_m \in \mathbb{R}^{L \times d’}$ and $H^{TE}_{g(m)} \in \mathbb{R}^{L \times d}$ refer to the hidden states in layer $m$ of student and teacher networks respectively, $L$ the sequence length and the scalars $d’, d$ denote the hidden sizes of the student and teacher models respectively. Instead of assuming that the hidden dimension is the same for the teacher and student $d’ = d$, they allow for $d \neq d’$ in general. This allows for creating thinner models by using a smaller hidden dimension $d’ < d$ than the teacher. They achieve this by introducing a learnable linear transformation matrix $W \in \mathbb{R}^{d’ \times d}$ to transform the hidden states of the student network into the same space as the teacher network’s states, i.e., $H^{ST}_m W \in \mathbb{R}^{L \times d}$. TinyBert transfers the knowledge which resides in the hidden layers output representation from each token in the sequence by minimizing the MSE across all tokens:

\[\begin{equation} \tag{7}\label{eq:msehidn} L_{\text{Hid}\_MSE}(\ \cdot \ ; m) = \text{MSE}(H^{ST}_m W_m, H^{TE}_{g(m)}), \end{equation}\]

where the matrices $H^{ST}_m \in \mathbb{R}^{L \times d’}$ and $H^{TE}_{g(m)} \in \mathbb{R}^{L \times d}$ can have different hidden sizes $d \neq d’$. Furthermore, they experimented with all three mapping functions and concluded that uniform works best in their case. Notice that we can also align hidden representations with the cosine loss

\[\begin{equation} \tag{8}\label{eq:coshidn} L_{\text{COS}hidn} = 1 - \text{cos}(H^{ST}_m W_m, H^{TE}_{g(m)}), \end{equation}\]

with the matrices $H^{ST}_m \in \mathbb{R}^{L \times d’}$ and $H^{TE}_{g(m)} \in \mathbb{R}^{L \times d}$.

XtremeDistil also uses a projection to make all output spaces compatible. The projection however is non-linear and they use the KL-divergence:

\[\begin{aligned} L_{\text{KL}hidn}(\ \cdot \ ; m) = D_{KL}\left(\textit{Gelu}\left(H^{ST}_m W_m + b_m\right) \Vert H^{TE}_{g(m)} \right), \end{aligned}\]

where $W_m$ is the learnable projection matrix, $b_m$ the learnable bias term and Gelu (Gaussian Error Linear Unit) is the non-linear projection function.

As we have seen, different mapping functions were used across previous work. It might not be useful to distill from intermediate representations as in (missing reference), especially when the student is a network of lower representational capacity. (Yang et al.) showed that using only the last hidden layer (last strategy) for matching representation results in the best performance, albeit experiments were conducted with Convolutional Neural Networks. To further align the last hidden representation, (Yang et al.) use the teacher’s pre-trained Softmax Regression (SR) classifier to first pass the input $x$ to the teacher network resulting in the output

\[\begin{aligned} \sigma (z_x^{TE}) = \sigma (W^{TE}_{N+1} H_N^{TE}), \end{aligned}\]

where $W^{TE}_{N+1}$ is the weight matrix of the softmax classifier head. Moreover, they feed the same input to the student to get the last hidden representation $H_M^{ST}$ and input the representation to the teacher’s SR classifier to obtain

\[\begin{aligned} \sigma (z_x^{ST}) = \sigma (W^{TE}_{N+1} H_M^{ST}). \end{aligned}\]

They then optimize the loss

\[\begin{aligned} L_{SR} = - \sigma \left(W^{TE}_{N+1} H_M^{TE} \right) \log \left( \sigma (W^{TE}_{N+1} H_M^{ST}) \right), \end{aligned}\]

while keeping the classifier’s parameter $W^{TE}_{N+1}$ frozen. This loss is aligning the last hidden representations since if $\sigma (z_x^{TE}) = \sigma (z_x^{ST})$ (which the loss is optimizing to) then this implies that $H_N^{TE} = H_M^{ST}$.

Attention Distillation. (Clark et al.) found that the attention weights of the transformer model BERT can capture linguistic knowledge, which can be used to transfer linguistic knowledge into our student.

Motivated by this, (Jiao et al.) additionally uses attention distillation for TinyBert, which uses the mean squared error to align the teacher and students matrices of the multi-head attention. Let the matrices $Q, K, V \in \mathbb{R}^{L \times d_k}$ denote the queries, keys and values, where $d_k$ is the dimension of keys. As already discussed, the attention $\text{Attention}(Q, K, V)$ is calculated with

\[\begin{equation} \tag{8}\label{eq:attention} A = \frac{QK^{T}}{\sqrt{d_k}} \in \mathbb{R}^{L \times L}, \quad \text{Attention}(Q, K, V) = \sigma (A)V \in \mathbb{R}^{L \times d_k}, \end{equation}\]

where $d_k$ acts as a scaling factor. We then calculate the attention loss with

\[\begin{equation} \tag{9}\label{eq:lossatt} L_{\text{MSEAtt}} = \frac{1}{h} \sum_{i=1}^h \text{MSE}(A_i^{ST}, A_i^{TE}), \end{equation}\]

where $h$ is the number of attention heads, $A_i \in \mathbb{R}^{L \times L}$ refers to the attention matrix before applying the softmax, the index $i$ corresponds to the $i$-th head of teacher or student, $L$ is the input text length, and MSE$(\cdot)$ means the mean squared error loss function. They argue that using $A$ instead of $\text{Attention}(Q, K, V)$ show faster convergence rate and better performances. We visualize the TinyBert attention and intermediate hidden representation distillation in the next Figure:

interview-img Visualization of a attention and intermediate hidden representation distillation. Taken from (Jiao et al.).

Nonetheless (Aguilar et al.) make use of the attention matrix $\text{Attention}(Q, K, V)$ and chose the KL-divergence loss. For a given head in a transformer, the loss can be formulated as

\[\begin{aligned} L_{\text{KLAtt}} = \frac{1}{L} \sum_i^L {\tt Att}(Q^{TE}, K^{TE}, V^{TE})_i \log \left(\frac{Att(Q^{TE}, K^{TE}, V^{TE})_i}{Att(Q^{ST}, K^{ST}, V^{ST})_i} \right), \end{aligned}\]

where $Att(Q, K, V)_i = \text{Attention}(Q, K, V)_i \in \mathbb{R}^{d_k}$ describe the $i$-th row of the attention probability matrix.

MiniLM (Wang et al.) additionally aligns the relation between values in the self-attention module, which is calculated via the multi-head scaled dot-product between values $V^{ST}$ and $V^{TE}$.

Embedding Distillation. Multiple lines of work indicate that the embedding layer is important for a successful cross-lingual representation (missing reference). Therefore, it is also important to distill from our multilingual teacher’s embedding layer to our students.

DistilBert uses the cosine embedding loss to align the embeddings of teacher and student:

\[\begin{aligned} L_{\text{COS}embed} = 1 - \text{cos}(E^{ST}_m, E^{TE}). \end{aligned}\]

where the matrices $E^{ST}$ and $E^{TE}$ refer to the embeddings of student and teacher networks, respectively. Instead of using the cosine loss, TinyBert uses the MSE:

\[\begin{equation} L_{\text{Emb}\_MSE} = \text{MSE}(E^{ST} W_e, E^{TE}). \end{equation}\]

Again, TinyBert allows for a mismatch between dimensions of $E^{ST}$ and $E^{TE}$ by using a learnable linear transformation $W_e$.

XtremeDistil (Mukherjee and Awadallah) uses Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) to project the word embeddings of the teacher to a lower-dimensional space for the student since they use the same WordPiece vocabulary.

4. Distillation Setup Strategies

This thesis introduces a novel distillation setup to induce aligned monolingual students, which is why we review different distillation setup strategies for transformers in this section. We restrict our literature review to a "fixed" teacher at the distillation time and not an, e.g., jointly trained teacher-student setup, such as in (Jin et al.). Furthermore, we focus on the general distillation stage, where we only perform distillation on the Masked Language Modeling objective. Finally, the task is to distill knowledge from the multilingual teacher(s) to our student while MLM pre-training on multiple monolingual text corpora, i.e., multilingual corpus, obtaining a general-purpose student.

One Teacher, One student. In this setup, only one teacher exists and is distilled into one student. (Reimers and Gurevych) use parallel data to facilitate strong cross-lingual sentence representations by training the student model such that (1) identical sentences in different languages are close and (2) the original source language from the teacher model SBERT (Reimers and Gurevych) are adopted and transferred to other languages.

They do so by minimizing the mean squared error of (1) the source sentence embedding of the teacher with the target sentence embedding using parallel data and (2) the source sentence embedding of the teacher and the student, see the next figure for a visualization:

interview-img Visualization of the distillation strategy of (missing reference) Given parallel data (here: English and German), the student model is trained such that the sentence embeddings for the English and German sentences are close to the teacher English sentence vector. Adopted from (Reimers and Gurevych).

Furthermore, all discussed monolingual distillation approaches can be extended to create a multilingual student straightforwardly: Distill a multilingual teacher into a student during the MLM task on a multilingual corpus. Since the teacher is already multilingual and the representations aligned (missing reference), the cross-lingual knowledge can then be distilled into one student. Consequently, every monolingual distillation approach can be directly applied, e.g. PKD (Sun et al.), DistilBert (Sanh et al.) or TinyBert (Jiao et al.). We can generalize the distillation loss as a convex combination or a linear combination of all chosen loss functions. E.g. DistilBert uses a convex combination of the masked language modeling loss $L_{\text{MLM}}$, the Hinton Loss $L_H$ \eqref{eq:hinton_loss} and the cosine embedding loss $L_{\text{COS}embed}$ \eqref{eq:coshidn}:

\[\begin{aligned} L_{\text{DB}} = \alpha \cdot L_H + \beta \cdot L_{MLM} + \gamma \cdot L_{\text{COS}embed}(\ \cdot \ ; M), \end{aligned}\]

where $M$ is the index of the last hidden layer, $\alpha, \beta, \gamma \in [0, 1]$ with $\alpha + \beta + \gamma = 1$.

Multiple Teacher, One Student. Language-specific language models may perform better given a sizable pre-training data volume than multilingual teachers in their respective language but are, in turn, monolingual and do not use any positive language transfer. Distilling multiple task-agnostic language-specific teachers into one task-agnostic student can help the student be competitive or outperform the individual language-specific LMs while still being multilingual. (Khanuja et al.) merges multiple monolingual or multilingual pre-trained LMs into a single task-agnostic multilingual student using task-agnostic Knowledge Distillation, which they call MergeDistill. The difficulty is that each LM can have its own vocabulary. (Khanuja et al.) use the union of all teacher LM vocabularies for the student vocabulary. They use a vocab mapping step teacher $\rightarrow$ student, converting each teacher token index to its corresponding student token index. They first tokenize and predict for each language using their respective teacher LM and get the top-$k$ logits for each masked word. For distillation, they then use the Hinton Loss $L_H$ $\eqref{eq:hinton_loss}$ and MLM loss $L_\text{MLM}$. Interestingly, their experiments show that due to the shared multilingual representations, the student is able to perform in a zero-shot manner on related languages that the teacher does not cover.

One Teacher, Multiple Students. In this setup, we have one multilingual teacher and want to distill into multiple mono-, bi- or multilingual students, for which the representations for each language are aligned across students. In this work, we will focus on distilling into multiple monolingual students. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that investigates distilling from a multilingual teacher into monolingual students sharing a representation space.

5. Challenges

The trend towards bigger and bigger models in NLP is fueled by the high generalization power of the learned representations. Smaller models lack the inductive biases to learn these representations from the training data alone but may have the capacity to represent these solutions (missing reference). We discussed several methods such as DistilBert (Sanh et al.) and TinyBert (Jiao et al.) that achieve similar performances on some downstream tasks as the teacher with just a fraction of the total parameter number. In the previous sections, we discussed different Knowledge Distillation strategies to induce knowledge into the student, e.g., the effects of distilling different transformer components into the student. However, we highlight two open challenges in regards to Knowledge Distillation in general (Fidelity vs. Generalization) and our thesis (KD for Monolingual Students).

Fidelity vs. Generalization. Recently, (Stanton et al.) show that while Knowledge Distillation can improve the generalization abilities of students, there often remains a low fidelity, i.e., the ability of a student to match a teacher’s predictions. Previous works (missing reference) already show that in self-distillation, the student can improve generalization. This can only happen by virtue of failing at the distillation procedure: The student fails to match the teacher:

interview-img The effect of enlarging the CIFAR-100 distillation dataset with GAN-generated samples. The shaded region corresponds to $\mu \pm \sigma $, estimated over three trials. (a) The teacher and student have the same model capacity. Student fidelity increases as the dataset grows, but the test accuracy decreases. (b) The teacher has a larger model capacity than the student. Student fidelity again increases when the dataset grows, but the test accuracy now also slightly increases. Figure taken from (Stanton et al.).

These experiments, however, hold true for students that have the same model capacity as the teacher. Often there is a significant disparity in generalization between large teacher models and smaller students. Importantly, (Stanton et al.) then show that for these larger teacher models, improvements in fidelity translate into improvements in generalization (Figure (b)).

KD for Monolingual Students. As this is the first work that explores distilling multilingual encoders into monolingual components (to the best of our knowledge), the question remains which parts of the teacher are important to distill from to improve (1) alignment and (2) cross-lingual downstream task performance. Another open question is whether sharing between students and weight initialization from the teacher improves (1) and (2). Finally, as we have multiple students, we can not utilize the default approach to solve cross-lingual downstream tasks: Fine-tuning one multilingual model in the source language and evaluating/train with the same model in the target language. We must explore fine-tuning strategies for multiple (monolingual) students for cross-lingual downstream tasks.


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  1. Knowledge Distillation can also be referred to as teacher-student Knowledge Distillation. 

updated_at 22-08-2022